Hi Max,

> Is Fedora going to be sharing a table with CentOS this year?
>>Just the devroom, as far as I know.

Not totally true, Centos has its own booth and should be close to us.
In addition, we are going to share the devroom with them.

>> Frederic, are you going to send the FOSDEM people the list of talks signed up for the Fedora Dev Room so that they can be
>> put on the schedule?  People have filled in quite a bit of information the past few days.
>>Or should I do it?  If so, who do I send it to?

Now, I have just contacted the guy in charge of Centos and I am going to propose him a schedule in function of what he told me by phone.
Max, you will be in copy of this mail.

As soon as we agree with that schedule and details, I would send the information the FOSDEM team in order to update their web site.

Anyway, I keep you in touch of the evolution of that project.

Max, you did not tell me the status of the request associated to Raphael Pinson.
Could you please give me it ?

Best Regards

On Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 4:40 PM, Max Spevack <mspevack@redhat.com> wrote:
On Wed, 7 Jan 2009, Yaakov Nemoy wrote:

Is Fedora going to be sharing a table with CentOS this year?

Just the devroom, as far as I know.

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