Am Mittwoch, den 21.05.2008, 17:56 +0200 schrieb Robert M. Albrecht:
I have a workshop on Linuxtag (45 minutes, introduction into buildung RPMs) and would be glad, if someone would review my slides.
Any errors found ? Suggestions ? Improvements ?
Slide 8: Not sure if "cp -a /usr/src/redhat/ rpmbuild" is a good idea. What if there are already files in /usr/src/redhat? I suggest using rpmdev-setuptree. Also you should mention redhat-rpm-config and rpmdevtools packages.
Slide 15: Instead of cp README* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/share/doc/%{name}-%{version} cp COPYING $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/share/doc/%{name}-%{version} you should simply use %doc README* COPYING
And if you use "cp", you should use it with the -p switch to preserve timestamps and avoid multilib fun.
Slide 19: You should also mention "rpmbuild -ba".
Sile 26: No need to wait for a new release, you can also get your package into a release as an update.
The rest of the presentation looks good to me. Well done!
cu romal