We need to vote on this tickets:

I hope I didn't miss any other ticket that involve international travel.


On 12/13/2017 07:33 PM, Zacharias Mitzelos wrote:
On Wed, Dec 13, 2017, at 19:08, Justin W. Flory wrote:
Is it possible to use a ticket-voting model or organize a special
meeting to review these tickets this month?

Part of the concern comes from other travel plans for FOSDEM that
involve international travel (**not covered by EMEA**). Myself and a few
others are in Brno the week leading up to the FOSDEM for a FAD, but we
are trying to book our international tickets before this month ends.

Fair enough, although you could open a ticket the previous week :)

OK, let's vote on the tickets that need to be approved asap and involve
international travel.

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