Dear Chitlesh, Ahmed, Abhishek and Dear all
I completly agree with you about promoting Fedora in School and University. Cause I am convinced that students of today will be the IT users of tomorrow.

Nonetheless, I thinks that "Promoting" can be divided  into serveral categories which depends of what you plan to do.
1] Introdution of Fedora  : In this domain, I can put the following actions : little event, distribution of DVDs/CDs, let a Fedora User guide at the library of the school, etc. And in addition, you can do it in almost every schools with the agreement of the principal. Level of diffculty : Not so difficult - depends of what students are studiing, of course -.  Bad point: After you leave, who will maintain "the promotion of Fedora at this school ?"  Good  point: it is better than nothing. Cause I am sure few of you listeners will be intersted by what Fedora is.

2 ] Developement of Fedora at school : In this domain, you can have the following actions : Installation of Fedora for particular purpose - depends of the schools and the principal -, Utilisation of Fedora by students or teachers and so on, etc... It can be applicable at every schools. Level of diffculty : Not so easy cause you have to convince people at school and help them if they have problems. Good Luck!

3 ] Partnership between Fedora and the schools. With this one, you can do what you want - depending of what principal is accorfding you of course - cause a group of students or teachers have to be a part of the fedora project. I mean it must exist a little communauty inside the school which install, maintain and support Fedora in their schools. With this, schools can use the Fedora logo in their paper support and can have enrolement futur students intersted by Linux  I think It can be only applicable at every HIGH schools and particulary at computers schools because they already know what Fedora is. Level of diffculty : Not so easy cause you have to convince Principal about the avantage to be partners with Fedora. Advantage : Intersting for computers students, Intersting for schools also - see above  or -

For my part I prefer the domain number 3 cause it is auto-maintainable and after that they can apply in their respective area the domain 1 and  principaly the domain 2 because they will not have the problem of helping distant people due to the fact that they are close of the school. Then they will have much more experience than student who are only studiing. That why I have I have created a wiki page for this kind subject

If you want to join this project, do not hesitate. You are welcome !
Obviiously, if you have any remarks or suggestions feel free to conact me cause this project is not static.
In addition, if somthing is not clear feel free to conact me.
Finally, I will write something clearer than that at the URL