Too much time anyway.. :-(

best regards

2008/1/18, Rodrigo Menezes <>:
Pablo, this meeting is scheduled for every first monday each month at
20:00 UTC, decided in the meeting.

So, We can talk next 04-feb.


Rodrigo Menezes

Pablo Barrera escreveu:
> I could not be present, i am studing for my LPI certification, sorry,
> anyway it seems thats theres no
> "mainstream" talk about local situation , just information of some
> activities...
> Could be useful get join again on saturday 15 GTM 0
> Someone interested?
> Best regards
> P.
> 2008/1/17, Jeffrey Tadlock <
> < >>:
>     Here is the IRC meeting log from today:
>     14:03 < pcalarco> PascalCalarco
>     14:03 < rMenezes> RodrigoMenezes
>     14:03 -!- snecklifter
>     [n=
>     <mailto:>] has left
>     #fedora-meeting ["Leaving"]
>     14:03 < jds2001> JonStanley
>     14:03  * jds2001 will be in and out
>     14:04 -!- roccofrank|w [n= farnold@
>     <mailto:farnold@>] has left
>     #fedora-meeting ["Verlassend"]
>     14:04 < JuanCarlosLin> Ok.. only have 4 of us, can we waite 5 minutes?
>     14:04 < rMenezes> +1
>     14:04 < pcalarco> +1
>     14:04 < inode0> greetings from the midwest US
>     14:04 -!- notting [n=notting@redhat/notting] has left #fedora-meeting
>     ["Ex-Chat"]
>     14:05 < JuanCarlosLin> hi inode0, please state your name
>     14:05 < inode0> JohnRose
>     14:05 < JuanCarlosLin> we will wait 5 minutes to start..
>     14:07 < pcalarco> we need a minimum of 7 to hold a meeting?
>     14:08 < pcalarco> PascalCalarco
>     14:08 < JuanCarlosLin> yes
>     14:09 -!- JSchmitt [n= s4504kr@fedora/JSchmitt] has quit
>     ["Konversation
>     terminated!"]
>     14:09 < JuanCarlosLin> but any way, will try to set meeting schedule
>     14:09 < jds2001> where is the agenda, BTW?
>     14:09 < JuanCarlosLin>
>     14:10 < JuanCarlosLin> Ok... please state your names again
>     14:10 < jds2001> JonStanley
>     14:10 < rMenezes> RodrigoMenezes
>     14:10 < inode0> JohnRose
>     14:10 < pcalarco> PascalCalarco
>     14:11 < JuanCarlosLin> well we are 5, but let start any way.
>     14:11 < JuanCarlosLin> first item, fedora events...
>     14:11 < JuanCarlosLin>
>     14:12 < JuanCarlosLin> there is someone with new in events?
>     14:12 < pcalarco> !
>     14:12 < JuanCarlosLin> pcalarco
>     14:12 < juank_prada> hi, im new fedora ambassador i just knew about
>     today meeting
>     14:13 < pcalarco> I have a barcamp in Indianapolis, IN in a few weeks
>     14:13 < pcalarco> not sure if ppl will want to talk about Fedora, but
>     I will suggest it as a topic
>     14:13 < rMenezes> !
>     14:13 < pcalarco> I can take care of media, as there is only 20 of us
>     14:13 < JuanCarlosLin> rMenezes
>     14:14 < jds2001> JuanCarlosLin: there is a barcamp in NYC in march
>     14:14 < jds2001> i will cover that.
>     14:14 < pcalarco> eof
>     14:14 < inode0> I'm giving a presentation in two weeks on the OLPC
>     project at a large university ... will be plugging Fedora while I do
>     that
>     14:14 < rMenezes> ok, Brazil, the newest big event here will be
>     FISL in april
>     14:15 < rMenezes> we produced the live CDs and DVDs locally
>     14:15 < rMenezes> and requested 5 lectures, a both and a comunity
>     event
>     14:15 < rMenezes> waiting approvals from the event
>     14:15 < JuanCarlosLin> rmenezes eof?
>     14:15 < rMenezes> this mounth is vacation in local Colleges, so
>     everyone is waiting to restart the meetings with students
>     14:15 < rMenezes> eof
>     14:16 < rMenezes> *month
>     14:16 < rMenezes> sorry
>     14:16 < JuanCarlosLin> ok., jds2001, please update your event
>     information on site
>     14:17 < jds2001> sure thing.
>     14:17 < JuanCarlosLin> rmenezes, I have planning produce 3000 CD/DVD
>     for Rodrigo Padula BRazil, I can send to you also a few ones
>     14:17 < rMenezes> ok, thanks
>     14:18 < rMenezes> I'll send you my address through e-mail, ok?
>     14:18 < JuanCarlosLin> I offer this to all of you, just ask and wait
>     for programation amiling
>     14:18 < JuanCarlosLin> yes, please
>     14:18 < JuanCarlosLin> well, this poit is covered.
>     14:18 < JuanCarlosLin> let go to the second item
>     14:19 < JuanCarlosLin>
>     14:19 < juank_prada> ?
>     14:19 < JuanCarlosLin> I see there is no pending material asking
>     for  america
>     14:19 < JuanCarlosLin> juank_prada, please state your name
>     14:19 < juank_prada> JuanCamiloPrada
>     14:20 < JuanCarlosLin> ok, can speak
>     14:20 < juank_prada> im new as an ambassador, and im planning on an
>     event on my university
>     14:20 < juank_prada> but im not sure what kind of material should i
>     take to that activity
>     14:21 < jds2001> what sort of activity?
>     14:21 < juank_prada> the event is suppose to be about FOSS in genera,
>     and i want to talk about fedora promting the project
>     14:21 < JuanCarlosLin> well, there is presentations on site, and also
>     is a good idea distribute copies of CD/DVD
>     14:21 < JuanCarlosLin> jds2001, can you help?
>     14:22 < rMenezes> where can I find presentations for Fedora 8
>     14:22 < rMenezes> ?
>     14:22  * jds2001 is busy with other projects in fedora, stretched
>     kinda thin right now
>     14:23 < inode0> rMenezes:
>     is a place to start
>     14:23 < juank_prada> inode0: thanks it helps me too
>     14:23 < rMenezes> there is nothing directly about version 8
>     14:23 < jds2001> although if any of you wanna help me out, we'll be
>     launching within a month hopefully :)
>     14:24 < JuanCarlosLin> ok... juank_prada, when define the date, can
>     ask any of us to help
>     14:24 < inode0> an opportunity then to prepare one and share it with
>     the community
>     14:24 < JuanCarlosLin> ok... lets go to the secondo point
>     14:24 < juank_prada> JuanCarlosLin: thanks, the date will be defined
>     hopefully next week
>     14:24 < jds2001> i may be able to help some there.  emphasize how we
>     contirbute upstream
>     14:24 < JuanCarlosLin> any one have pending materialr orders?
>     14:24 < jds2001> and maybe features that made it to F8
>     14:25 < jds2001> yeah, i'll need some for the nyc barcamp.  not sure
>     exactly what/how much.
>     14:25 < JuanCarlosLin> ok, i see no pending order for america.
>     14:25 < JuanCarlosLin> lets go to the nex item
>     14:26 < JuanCarlosLin> ther is some amabassador need verification yet?
>     14:27 < JuanCarlosLin> ok, no abassador to verify?
>     14:27 < pcalarco> I do not think so
>     14:27 < JuanCarlosLin> ok, let go to the last item, meeting schedule
>     14:27 < JuanCarlosLin> I will like to hear form youthe best day, and
>     time to meeting
>     14:27 < jds2001> evenings EST are better for me.
>     14:28 < JuanCarlosLin> UTC time?
>     14:28 < jds2001> 23:00?
>     14:28 < pcalarco> 01:00 UTC maybe?
>     14:29 < jds2001> that's good too.
>     14:29 < rMenezes> for me is any work day at 20:00 UTC
>     14:29 < JuanCarlosLin> any one more?
>     14:29 < inode0> I can be flexible but evenings preferred
>     14:29 < juank_prada> any time is ok by me as i spent all day in
>     front of a pc
>     14:30 < pcalarco> I can do 20:00 UTC too on Mondays or Fridays is best
>     14:30 < pcalarco> or evenings of course
>     14:30 < pcalarco> eof
>     14:30 < JuanCarlosLin> ok, the time I set was 19:00 UTC, how about
>     change it to 20:00 UTC to aproch
>     14:31 < pcalarco> +1
>     14:31 < juank_prada> +1
>     14:31 < rMenezes> +1
>     14:31 < jds2001> +1
>     14:31 < JuanCarlosLin> ok, it will be 20:00 UTC
>     14:32 < JuanCarlosLin> and the day? wich better
>     14:32 < inode0> not tuesday
>     14:32 < juank_prada> monday?
>     14:32 < pcalarco> Monday +1
>     14:32 < rMenezes> Monday +1
>     14:33 < JuanCarlosLin> jsd2001?
>     14:33 < jds2001> +1
>     14:33 < inode0> we'll have one thing to look forward to on Monday!
>     14:33 < JuanCarlosLin> ok, on monday
>     14:33 < rMenezes> !
>     14:33 < JuanCarlosLin> rmenezes
>     14:33 < rMenezes> the meetings will be every week?
>     14:34 < JuanCarlosLin> that the next point
>     14:34 < JuanCarlosLin> about the frecuency, is good 15 or 30 days,
>     14:34 -!- vonbrand_ [n=
>     <>] has joined
>     #fedora-meeting
>     14:34 < JuanCarlosLin> how about you?
>     14:34 < inode0> etiher fine with me
>     14:35 < jds2001> 30 days +1
>     14:35 < pcalarco> if we have enough to work on, biweekly but
>     otherwise monthly
>     14:35 < rMenezes> for me 30 days is fine
>     14:35 < juank_prada> 30 days is ok
>     14:35 < pcalarco> monthly +1
>     14:35 < JuanCarlosLin> lets vote monthly
>     14:36 < jds2001> well i agree with pcalarco too - if monthly gets us
>     to too much of a backlog, then let's go biweekly
>     14:36 < jds2001> but start with monthly
>     14:36 < jds2001> so +1
>     14:36 < inode0> so something like the 1st Monday each month?
>     14:36 < JuanCarlosLin> ok, the the future meeting is: monday, 20:00
>     UTC, 2008-02-18
>     14:37 < JuanCarlosLin> can be considered the 1st monday, wil be
>     easier to remind
>     14:37 < rMenezes> 1st monday, +1
>     14:37 < inode0> that is what I was thinking
>     14:37 < JuanCarlosLin> how about inode0 idea?
>     14:37 < pcalarco> +1
>     14:37 < jds2001> +1 for first monday
>     14:37 < juank_prada> +1 first monday
>     14:38 < JuanCarlosLin> ok, next meeting, monday 2008-02-04, 20:00 UTC
>     14:38 < rMenezes> In Brazil, 04 feb will be carnival, :)
>     14:38 < rMenezes> I'll be here
>     14:38 < rMenezes> I promisse, lol
>     14:38 < JuanCarlosLin> Ok, anyway, the e-mail can keep us in touch
>     14:39 < JuanCarlosLin> please add your topic to discuse for next
>     meeting when the page is created.
>     14:39 < jds2001> heh i could be in class 04-feb (RH401) if
>     everything goes well.
>     14:39 < JuanCarlosLin> so, no more points to discuse, and the
>     meeting is end.
>     14:40 < pcalarco> I have a conflict 2/4 but this is okay generally
>     14:40 < JuanCarlosLin> thanks your everyone...
>     14:40 < inode0> nice to meet everyone
>     14:40 < JuanCarlosLin> now can freely talk
>     14:40 < vonbrand_> Is there a transcript? This meeting collided with
>     another one... and it's the first for me
>     14:40 < rMenezes> who has a presentation for FC8? about new features?
>     14:40 < pcalarco> has much work been done on the EventKit?  I see that
>     it is past due
>     14:41 < pcalarco> I will probably work on an F8 presentation for my
>     barcamp; perhaps a few of us could collaborate
>     14:42 < juank_prada> i will join too as i need a presentation for this
>     event on my university
>     14:42 < rMenezes> ok, just update you presentation in wiki when
>     you have done
>     14:42 < rMenezes> I need some for february
>     14:42 -!- JuanCarlosLin [
>     <mailto:>] has quit ["Saliendo"]
>     14:43 < pcalarco> my event is 2008-02-09
>     14:44 < pcalarco> I am sure we could find other F8 presentations to
>     start with from past events
>     14:44 -!- Sparks [n=sparks@fedora /Sparks] has left #fedora-meeting []
>     14:45 < pcalarco> perhaps from one of these:
>     <>
>     14:45 -!- vonbrand_ [n=
>     <>] has left
>     #fedora-meeting ["Leaving"]
>     14:47 < pcalarco> also, there are some Fedora presentation templates
>     at the very bottom of
>     14:48 -!- pcalarco
>     [n=
>     <mailto:>] has
>     quit
>     [SendQ exceeded]
>     14:48 -!- pcalarco
>     [n=
>     <>] has
>     joined
>     #fedora-meeting
>     14:51 -!- WB0TRA_work [n=WB0TRA_w@
>     <mailto:WB0TRA_w@>] has joined #fedora-meeting
>     14:54 < pcalarco> exit
>     --
>     Fedora-ambassadors-list mailing list
>     <mailto:>
>     <>
> --
> Pablo Barrera
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
> Fedora-ambassadors-list mailing list

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Pablo Barrera