ops. we haven't to be closed mind (sorry for the mistake)

2007/11/20, Francesco Ugolini <fugolini@fedoraproject.org>:
Please, before propose candidates we must define the time of election, i know you are really interest in changing FAmSCo but now we are talking about something different.

I want also (sorry if i'm offtopic) give my opinion of FAmSCo. I think it's undemocratic to divide FAmSCo as you proposed, because it goes against the idea behind FAmSCo: we have to be liasons between all ambassadors.

Yes, you may criticize how famsco have worked in the past, you may say "What do you have for me?", probably you find more useful ask Rodrigo for materials (etc...) instead of me or, at the same time, Italian Ambassadors find more useful ask me for material than him: it's just a point of view, but we have to be closed mind we have to go forward thinking Fedora Ambassador Project like a global project and people must be represented in such way.

FAmSCo is here to satisfy each person who need help in the project. A different solution for the problem was proposed by European Ambassadors, in fact, they have the genius idea to create a Regional Leader (like European Leader, America Latina Leader, Asia Leader, etc...), a person who can manage the interests of his region, helping  people with events, giving them swags etc... . Famsco will plan a global strategy, helping coordinating local activities, talking with Local leaders etc...

At the end, give me the freedom to say this thing:

 FAmSCo has not a structural problem (this one is the most democratic structure you could have), the only problem could be the people, but people are elected by all of us, Ambassadors, who live everywhere in the world, people, who daily help the project with our words and our works: We (Ambassadors) are the people who have the important role to review the candidates and vote for them, if we trust completely in them. I think this is the most important thing to remember.

Best regards

Francesco Ugolini

2007/11/20, Pablo Barrera < pablo.barrera@proyectofedora.org>:
Hi all
Thanks for feedback. Have differents ideas, is not a downgrade. Now we
have more than idea for the same objetive.

> I typo'ed this sentence.  That should have been "...and should *not*
> be a hurdle in and of itself".

> I think the Steering Committee can provide a larger role than just a
> point of contact for asking for CDs or submitting budget requests to
> the Board.  The items you list - assisting with strategy, forecasting,
> etc are all things they could help provide assistance with.  Perhaps
> that is just accumulating information from various areas and piecing
> it together.

Yes it is. If you have a FAMSCO representan in your local area, is more
easy to get stuff.

> The CLA is required for Ambassador group membership.  I think most
> will agree that process can be cumbersome, you even mentioned it in
> one of your earlier emails - for non-technical people that might be
> able to bring a wonderful skill set to the table that process can pose
> as a barrier.  If the CLA cannot be removed, then we should make sure
> those steps are laid out as simple as possible.  And if someone has
> trouble with that portion, make help easy to find.
Exactly. i.e when u become ambassador must move to a lot of wiki pages
to understand everything....this is so burocratic. One sheet process
could be useful.

> I agree with you here as well.  FAMSCO needs to be active in the
> project in order for it help meet the needs of Ambassadors.
> Non-responses from FAMSCO members makes it difficult for new members
> and existing ambassadors to get things done.  That's why I think this
> election period is more of an opportunity to change that.

yes of course. No more Fedora Legs of Arms "a bit under the radar" ....

> I don't see the Steering Committee as managers.  I see their role as
> one of facilitators.  Much for the reasons you have cited.
> Ambassadors in each country know their needs better than the Steering
> Committee.
resources administration are management. They are not our bosses, but
they manage resources ;)

> Agreed.  Mine were just some examples thrown out into the discussion.
> The scope is much larger than simply 24/7 availability.

yes probably, has relationship with availability of suporters...

> Excellent list!  These are all things I think the Steering Committee
> should be considering and helping with moving toward.  Let's use this
> election to move things that direction.

Yes, thats why i will promote myself from my wiki page as new FAMSCO
member. And if ive voted by other ambassadors i will work with this
list. Next FAMSCO period must make a disruption process to move to
another direction.Including more help to promote Africa rising of Fedora
and more Latinamerican participation and the modification of chairs to 7
to 20 and much more...

> I think it is a great discussion.  The bouncing of ideas back and
> forth and putting them out on the table is very useful.  Now we need
> to do something about it.  I think you and I are both on same page as
> to what we would like to see.  Email just makes it difficult to see
> that occasionally.

yes is true. Time to work so...

Best regards
Pablo Barrera

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