2010/2/16 Pierros Papadeas <ppapadeas@gmail.com>
I want to clarify it more, cause it is really NOT good to get the 
negative impression out of a video showing EXACTLY the opposite!

+1 The video at best showed a crowd of people around the booth. The place was busy and let's just say that the many times I walked by the booth there were many people engaged in conversation with the booth ambassadors. In addition, people looked happy. Many had smiles on their faces. Smiles are contagious and also show to others that we enjoy what we are doing. If they see that we enjoy what we are doing, then they will want to be a part of it ;-) 

In the first instance that our booth is shown (the longer one during
the video) we can see 6 people behind the booth (Andreas and Gerold
hacking, Joerg speaking with Max, Anastasis-the new greek ambassador
setting up moblin demo, Dimitris-convincing Evelina to contribute, and
Evelina-a yet to be contributor). As for in front of the booth there
are 6 (SIX) ambassadors (including Max) waiting for people to stop by
and be informed for Fedora.

That (at least 12 contributors around a booth) is by FAR beyond any
other booth and yes I believe we had the best booth on FOSDEM (tweets
and reports show it).


In the second instance showing our booth there are 4 ambassadors
hacking behind the booth, but the video doesn't show the front side of
the booth so we can't tell.

It's really a pity to underestimate the effort of many contributors,
especially when we merely all of us have stated in our reports that we
had some points to improve on our next appearance. Finally consider
that about half of the ambassadors where kinda new on this kind of
event and so there effort should be much more appreciated.

+1 I also think that many ambassadors use these events to communicate with each other. Especially, those we have not seen in a while ;-) Along with this comes discussion on solutions, packages, projects which might seem like hacking, but is a part of the creative and innovation processes which help our contributers create this great distro.  

Hope this thing ends here, so we can move on to our next events making
Fedora what it deserves to be :)


In addition, I agree with others in this post that things can also be improved which has been discussed by many on many different occasions at FOSDEM. I also agree some sort of agreed protocol for events can be drawn up, agreed upon and then formalized through FaMSCO. Adversely, The danger I see here is that if we put too many demands on our contributers/ambassadors that we begin to take the fun out of it and drive our ambassadors and their potential friends away. This is the worst thing that could happen, since we stand to loose resources within the community. After all, we are volunteering our time to promote Fedora and FOSS ;-)

As most say, let's do better next time with regards to professionalism. 

All the best,


2010/2/16 Christos Bacharakis <cmpahar@gmail.com>:
> On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 1:43 AM, Christoph Wickert
> <christoph.wickert@googlemail.com> wrote:
>> I found a short video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gcb9rIfGD64
>> You can see the Fedora booth a couple of times. Unfortunately it
>> confirms what I wrote previously about the booth service: Not that
>> active as it should have been I guess.
>> Anyway, Next time we'll do better. I just wanted to share this video
>> with you.
>> Regards,
>> Christoph
>> --
>> ambassadors mailing list
>> ambassadors@lists.fedoraproject.org
>> https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/ambassadors
> Regarding to that video there were 5 fedora ambassadors in front of the
> booth chatting and generally being available to the people. Max and Joerg
> here having a discussion and there were only 4 ambassadors sitting and
> hacking.
> The way I see it, there is no need for flaming and "fighting" each other
> about our booth. Next year we will have the best booth and a better
> marketing policy.
> --
> Christos Bacharakis
> christos@bacharakis.com
> http://bacharakis.com
> --
> ambassadors mailing list
> ambassadors@lists.fedoraproject.org
> https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/ambassadors

Pierros Papadeas
PGP key: 0x6130DBF8
liknus @ GRnet , Freenode

Title: Fedora Ambassador Netherlands
User Homepage: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Gmzysk

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