
I'm Gergely one of the Hungarian Fedora Ambassador, or aka the "Fedora Gamer" guy. I'm absolutelly favor your idea. The games, and many other things like music are give particular experience to the new Fedorians, newcomers.
I will connect to your Wiki page, so we can keep connected and share ideas.

I'm happy to make this happen Jeff,

Best Regards

2017-03-04 04:09 keltezéssel, Jeff Sandys írta:

I am Fedora Ambassador Jeff Sandys and gave a presentation called Spin Your Exhibit at Fedora Rochester. The main idea is that we want to give the Linux Fest guest an experience they will remember. By focusing on a spin we can focus the experience. While some guests are not interested in music or games, many are. Guests for music could experience playing instruments, guests for games could experience a TuxCart tournament or play other games. The swag we give guests should be associated with their experience, we gave guitar picks and TuxCart entry cards to guests. If a guest tells a friend about their Fedora experience we succeeded in making a connection.


I will continue to fill in this page with materials and notes for the spin exhibits.  Please get me your feedback on the Spin your Exhibit presentation and your experience of guests interaction.  Add your ideas for the spin you are interested in.


Jeff Sandys

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