Hi Gerold,

On Thu, Feb 14, 2008 at 1:54 PM, Gerold <gerold@lugd.org> wrote:
Hello Ambassador World,

as you might have read, Jeroen and me are trying to found a
Non-profit-Organisation (aka NPO) for Europe and we want to found this

I wounder this NPO will cover only Europe or EMEA?  


In the past few days I have to answer a lot of questions because it seems
that we havenīt done our homework very well to announce, explain and
answer the questions of everybody of you ...

So what shall we do right now? Shall we postpone the founding and use the
FOSDEM as a Q&A event from our side? Should we found this NPO?

BTW: Let me explain a few things about thinking about that NPO:
We (Jeroen and me and a lot of other Ambassador attending the FAD EMEA
2007) thought we found this NPO in GERMANY (depends on German Law) BECAUSE
I personaly founded such a NPO,  "my" local LinuxUser Group Loerrach. This
NPO -in which I hold the chair at the moment- is acknoledged by German law
to spend tax reductable donation receipts (for companys, members,
everyone) ...
Back to the basics (of that German law of founding) ...
First you need to be seven legal persons who are willing to found such a NPO.
this legal means Germany National?

Second, you need to meet face-to-face.
then they need to be from same part of the world.. btw, how often they need to see each other?

Third, ONLY people from THIS foundational meeting are allowed to
- accept and vote for the statutes
- elect the BOARD of the NPO who much attend that meeting in person
no doubt..!

FOURTH, In the statutes who are in German, you give the frame of your
entity and its Goals, Amount of Board, membership fee and so on.
Thatīs I hope are all dependencies who must be fullfilled to 100% ...

is there any restriction on taking membership, specially for outside German territory people?

Any comments? Ideas? Doubts?

Let me/us know!

I hope we would be able to form NPO soon, it is for sure a big task & will become a milestone for Fedora Project EMEA.



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