Well, Arthur, I say we could follow other ways. In christening we call Fedora without numbers.... But...

Seriously, we could follow less elegant roman numbering style (Fedora XL), or the much better japanese style (Fedora Juu-ni ->12, or Fedora Hyaku ->100), and we don't need again codename or numbering, because it's numbered. And if reach "Sen" ... our grandchild will remember upon us :)



2009/11/27 Christoph Wickert <christoph.wickert@googlemail.com>
Am Freitag, den 27.11.2009, 15:43 +0300 schrieb Arthur Buliva:

> So I dont know about this but I would like to float an idea about an
> alternative naming convention perhaps? Because just the thought of
> "Fedora 48" doesn't sound too pleasing at least to me...

Why not? I'm sure that Fedora 42 will be the best release ever and the
answer to all questions. ;)

> Regards,
> Arthur


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