My name is Bigyan Bhar. I live in Kolkata, India.

My Blog : BiGYaN's Random Thoughts
Fedora Wiki :

Currently I am pursuing a Post Graduation degree at the University of Calcutta with Computer Science and Engineering. I completed my B.Sc. in Computer Science in 2006.

My love affair with computers began back in 1997 when I had my first course in BASIC programming language in my school. Got my first PC in 2001 with Windows 98. In 2002 I saw Linux for the first time at a friend's place. I was willing to try it out, but did not have the courage to install it myself. Finally I took the plunge with Red Hat 9 in Aug 2003.

From then I have been using Linux regularly for the past 5 years or so. I installed and used all the Fedora OSs right from Fedora Core 1 to Fedora 8. So I have become a Fedora help-out guy amongst my peer group who regularly come to me for all their Linux related problems.

Personally I feel that the most important thing hindering the popularity of Fedora is the lack of awareness. Most people around me have wrong opinions about Fedora, like the unavailability of drivers, which is now a distant history. I am not the MS basher type, and I do agree that Windows has revolutionized the PC experience. But Fedora comes with its own very unique set of advantages which people should consider while choosing their OS. I think that this Ambassador program is a great opportunity for Linux lovers like us to do exactly that and spread the word around for Fedora.


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Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world. --- Albert Einstein
Imagination is the mother of creativity --- D.Tamal