Ok,Thanks a lot for the advice.

On Tue, Sep 9, 2008 at 3:50 PM, Francesco Ugolini <fugolini@fedoraproject.org> wrote:
2008/9/9 Rishikesh Sharma <rishikesh@fedoraproject.org>:
> Hi All,
> I am planning a Fedora Event on 7 December 2008 at Imphal, India. I have
> also put up the event on the wiki. I have some queries regarding financial
> assistance from FAMSCO.  Whether i need to submit the budget prior to event
> or not. What are the others formalities required. I need clarification on
> this regard. This is my first event as an ambassador.
> With Regards,
> Rishikesh Sharma
> Fedora Ambassador, Imphal
> India.
I'll try to summarize some of the step to process a budget for an event:

- Add your event in the Wiki page (as you have done), then if you know
how much you plan to spend, you can add this in the description or
writing here or contacting directly FAmSCo.

- FAmSCo has a fixed budget for the fiscal quarter. It will decide how
to distribute resources, according to some criteria: one of this is
the Event Owner request for the event.

I suggest you to make a proposal, then FAmSCo, after reviewing your
event and the others one (starting a month before the beginning of Q4)
will decided if and how much you could receive.

Hope I gave you the right answer


Francesco Ugolini

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