2017-09-25 13:31 GMT+02:00 Brian Exelbierd <bex@pobox.com>:

Are you in EMEA and missing your Federator power supply?  The ones we
ordered should be here tomorrow.  Let me know where they are supposed to

I've sent you a separate mail.

Also, I have several Federators in Brno that I didn't think were staying
here.  I am going to take advantage of them and borrow one for Brazil,
but I would like to know what was supposed to happen to them.

I am not sure how many you have in Brno, and how many we already have in EMEA, which were built during FLOCK.
EMEA bought 5 Fedorators from the EMEA budget, but I think there was supposed to be at least another one from Flock.
Also, AFAIK we have already one in Greece (Giannis), in Albania (Jona) and in Italy (me). Not sure if Till also has one for Germany.

Robert Mayr