Hi, the restriction should be lifted. Could you please try again on https://chat.fedoraproject.org ?

Justin (he/him)
Sent from mobile

On Sat, Mar 30, 2024, 12:24 María Leandro <tatadbb@gmail.com> wrote:

There are interesting conversations about mentoring happening lately in the Fedora Ambassadors room on Matrix. You can sign in with your Fedora account on https://chat.fedoraproject.org or use an existing Matrix account to join #ambassadors:fedoraproject.org. There is also a LATAM room at #latam:fedoraproject.org. Some folks are doing good work to start a community presence there too.

tried it... but got a "Monthly Active User Limit Exceeded" error.

I'm available through most fedora telegram/bridge channels. Please, ping me over there until the restriction is lifted.
Maria Gracia Leandro
Blog: http://tatica.org
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