Dear *,

As I promise you, you will find my presentation in pdf format for EMEA coordinators in order to explain them the importance to invest in the FOSDEM and request them budget at the following URL :

As it is the first time, we are doing it. I do not know if it responds fully to you, the coordinators or Fedora community requests.
If something is missing or if something is wrong, feel free to tell me it.

I will also send it to the Fedora@FOSDEM'10 and JBoss@FOSDEM'10 Project team member

Anyway, you will find updated status at the following wiki page :

In addition, following my lack of time or lack of network/wifi, it is not always possible for me to be present at IRC meeting.
Nonetheless, I will do my possible to be there for the next one - Do not know the date yet -.
Sorry for that.

Now, it up to you !

Anyway feel free to contact me for any comments, collaborations, helps.
Thanks for reading, your help, efforts and time.

Kind Regards

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