Along with the clarifications made so far, it seems you guys really got it. Congratulations, I'm happy we managed to achieve such a nice consensus :-)

2014-03-11 12:09 GMT-03:00 Elijah Hanson <>:
I think we can all agree that this idea make perfect sense!

From: Jiri Eischmann
Sent: ‎3/‎11/‎2014 14:07

Subject: Re: [Ambassadors] Discussion: revoking ambassador status

Jiri Eischmann píše v Út 25. 02. 2014 v 11:07 +0100:
> Hi,
> yesterday we had a long discussion about whether we want to have a
> mechanism to remove completely inactive ambassadors or not. This issue
> is brought up again and again, so I think it's time to discuss it
> properly and eventually make a decision.
> You can find more in this ticket:
> Feel free to comment (ideally in the ticket to keep all discussion
> there), express your opinion, propose modifications, or even different
> solutions. You input is welcome.
> Jiri

I'm bringing an update on this issue. Based on the discussion in this
mailing list and in the ticket, we decided that any manual process for
removing "inactive" ambassadors is a no-go.

Pingou of Fedora Infra offered us a tool that would help us achieve what
we originally wanted to achieve.

The combination of FAS logs and datagrepper (that covers attending IRC
meetings, using tracs, sending emails to mailing lists, voting in Fedora
elections, writing blogposts in FP,...) can identify ambassadors who
haven't had any sign of online activity for the given time period (in
FAmSCo we agreed on 18 months, but it's still open) and may not be
interested in the project any more.
Those ambassadors would be notified by email that their account is going
to be flagged as inactive in e.g. 14 days. To avoid it, they can just
log in to FAS and they're fine for another 18 months.

I'd like to emphasize that no one is going to lose ambassador
membership. If someone meets the criteria and doesn't react to the
notification message his/her account will just be flagged as inactive
and his/her name won't be in the public list of ambassadors, but he/she
will keep the membership and can become active again just by logging in
to FAS and changing the status to active any time after the deadline.

It's not meant to judge someone's activity, it's more like "we haven't
seen you around online for some time, give us a wave if you're still
interested in the project".

In FAmSCo, we agreed this is a non-invasive solution with pretty much no
additional bureaucracy that would solve the problem. But we'd again like
to know your opinion.


ambassadors mailing list

ambassadors mailing list

Marcel Ribeiro Dantas,
Biomedical Engineering Researcher at LAIS
Laboratory for Technological Innovation in Healthcare (LAIS-HUOL)
Free Software Advocate - "An idea is only knowledge, when shared."
mribeirodantas at
mribeirodantas at