+100 to u Jon. We should look forward to other creative aspects rather than discussing these kind of issues.

On 3/14/06, Jon Fautley < jfautley@redhat.com> wrote:
Clair wrote:
> On Tuesday 14 March 2006 05:49, Patrick Barnes wrote:
>>Yes, the kick was most likely more than was needed.  This channel was
>>thrown together in a hurry.  It was not official, not registered with
>>services, and not set up with the intent of existing after the meeting
>>concluded.  That is why it was not set up as invite-only or moderated.
>>This is something that will be done differently for any future meetings.
> It takes about 10 seconds to register a channel with services, 2 seconds to
> type
> /mode +i #channel
> then invite people, and 2 seconds to type
> /mode +m #channel
> and doing a
> /mode +v user.
> This really isn't a good enough excuse.

But it could be an acceptable excuse if you don't know how IRC works...

Should the person have been kicked? I don't think so...

Do we all have better things to be doing than discussing this? I think so...

It's happened - there's been enough discussion on this issue to ensure
it doesn't happen again.

Lets move on, eh?

Jon Fautley <jfautley@redhat.com >     direct: +44 1483 739615
  Technical Account Manager            office: +44 1483 300169
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