Hello FAms,

The next APAC bi-weekly will be happened on 
2011-11-26  04:00 UTC [1]
#fedora-meeting on irc.freenode.net

The agenda can be found at


Please feel free to add your topic as well. To have an effective agenda please try to keep it simple and include info that are relevant.
When you add a topic please indicate your FAS name as well (you will see examples in the agenda) then it is easy to find out who 
is going to talk for the topic. If you need more assistant please contact Dramsey, Tuanta or me.

Looking forward to see APAC FAms and share thoughts and experiences.

[1] http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?year=2011&month=11&day=26&hour=04&min=0&sec=0

Buddhike Chandradeepa Kurera(bckurera)
Fedora Ambassador Sri Lanka
Event Liaison - Design Team

Emailbckurera@fedoraproject.org | IRC: bckurera