2015-09-04 13:34 GMT+02:00 S.Kemter <sirko.kemter@gmail.com>:

I is a little bit strange, Jirka you are the only one with the opinion that FAmSCo stays and FOSCo is not builded. The question here is simple who is responsible to decide how it is formed and call for elections?

I had a conversation on Flock about it with Remy, and besides him or the FPL, Council the only entity is FAmSCo who can make such a process happen. So the only thing what has to be done is come up with a plan how FOSCo shall look like and if FAmSCo want not make this alone then invite an representive from the involved teams to participate into it.

Its more that the remaining FAmSCo what means you and robyduck, more isnt left of it right now wait for it to happen. But nobody forms it, we have to form it by ourself.

Marketing as well Design team was both interested in, so there was only positive feedback on Matt's idea. So Let's DO it

br gnokii

2015-09-04 8:44 GMT+07:00 Giannis Konstantinidis <giannis@konstantinidis.cc>:

Hey Jiri, and everyone else.

Jiri, thanks so much for your contributions so far.

On September 3, 2015 at 1:12 PM Jiri Eischmann <eischmann@redhat.com> wrote:

- primary chair of our regular meetings - Jon and Giannis have been big
help to me here, but I still have primary responsibility for it, when I
forgot or was not available and didn't ask someone else to chair it,
the meeting didn't happen. I'm willing to be one of the chairs, but
someone will need to take over the primary responsibility.

I have been thinking about this. I'm expecting to have a flexible schedule during this academic year, allowing me to chair our biweekly meetings on a regular basis. I'd like to step up.

- FAmSCo representative - looks like FAmSCo as one of the Fedora bodieswill remain and we will have elections after F23, but we need new blood
here. It's not only me, but pretty much all members have been serving
for several years in FAmSCo and feel burnt out. Ambassadors needs new
leadership in general. The generation change should have taken at least
a year ago, but then it got disrupted by the FOSCo thing which froze
things for almost a year.

Should FAmSCo remain, I'd be seriously considering running for the elections and trying to bring in some fresh energy. :)

Giannis Konstantinidis

Sirko it's not Jiri's opinion, we had a CommOps brainstorming session at Flock and we discussed many topics, also The FOSCo thing, which actually didn't move forward indeed ;(
FAmSCo agreed already about a new composition of FOSCo, with some regional appointed members and other elected members, but it never started and it seems there is no plan to work on it immediately.
The actual FAmSCo members agreed also to continue serving the Steering Committee until FOSCo would have taken over its mission (and some tasks more), but we are going towards the end of F23 release cycle and all members started with F20 and F21 cycle (June 2013), which normally is the time of nearly 5 release cycles (F21 cycle was a year).
We discussed this point very clearly, also because actally FAmSCo is not able to take decisions easily due to the quorum. So as a compromise to make things happen again at least for ambassadors, we agreed to make new elections for the F24 (and F25) release cycle to have fresh blood and new ideas, in the meanwhile we can work on FOSCo with less pressure. Nobody said we don't want it and Matthew's idea is bad, I think we have so many new things on the table FOSCo just needs more time to see the light.
Kind regards.

Robert Mayr