On 07/12/16 10:37, Joerg Simon wrote:
Am 07.12.2016 um 06:36 schrieb S.Kemter:

just some cents
We discussed that point on Flock, so Joerg if you run out Joe promised if
you show him that it is ready for reimbursement he will pay directly. Not
so sure if it is still Joes job now after we have a new Impact, but I am
sure Brian has same view on this

Interesting, even if it concerned me/my tasks - i was not involved in
this flock discussion - nor has anyone reached out to me or informed me
about a result ...

... but i think EMEA can be quite happy, if i look at APAC and LATAM, so
i want to thank Robert Scheck for his feedback

cu Joerg


That's because the result was almost null. We all agreed that there were some problems (already exposed and explained) and that we should find an alternative solution. I'm not aware of any action taken afterwards so probably that's why you didn't receive any notice coming from FLOCK.
