
*We do something in the area of KDE integration.  Kevin and Rex might be able to give us some ideas here.  I haven asked them, but haven't heard back yet.

*We help out LibreOffice.  LibreOffice has an extra advantage in this fight as they have a list of "easy" things that need to be done: http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Easy_Hacks and http://tinyurl.com/38juotz

I like both :)
If you have an opinion in this or another suggestion, please reply and let me know.

Scott Williams (vwbusguy)

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Buddhike Chandradeepa Kurera
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Fedora Ambassador - Sri Lanka

Emailbckurera@fossuser.lk | Phone: (+94)-077-700-7521 | Skype: buddhikakurera | Fax: (+1)-206-337-5363