hello Tellawi ,
if u are from india , u could well add yourself to the following list if u could provide
free media , or create a separate list for ur own company ,
The ambassadors group is one of the best ways to get started and help the project
Dear Mr Tellawi,
Thank you very much for your interest in supporting Fedora!
For instructions how to join and help with package testing, please
visit this link:
Here is what is involved in Fedora Testing:
If you would like to distribute Fedora, for free or for a fee, you can
either download ISOS and burn the physical media yourself, or I could
mail you a couple discs to copy from.
You would also want to be listed on the Local Vendors list once you
have the media ready:
In addition, I would suggest that you get involved with the Fedora
Ambassadors program, so that you can draw on knowledge, experience,
and materials built by this Fedora advocacy group:
If you have any more questions, please let me know!
Thanks a lot,
Alex Maier
On Wed, May 21, 2008 at 4:54 AM, mohamd tellawi <tempeshit@live.com> wrote:
> hello sir
> i would like to volunteer for the fedora project as a package tester and official help and community support . and i have a physical PC store and im ready to distribute the fedora physical media. can you please guide me how to make that happen ,who to talk to or where to go .
> appreciate your work
> Regards
> M.Tellawi
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AMaier Art and Photography
Fedora-ambassadors-list mailing list