2011/7/6 Bryan Basil <bryanlbasil@gmail.com>

Hello all,

Just a thought - the case badges are beautiful. 2 of the gracious ambassadors reading this donated several fedora items (media, stickers, tattoos) to my, at that time, new Linux computer service/sales store at Atlanta Linux Fest 2009. As a store advocating Linux, we loved putting the case badges on laptops in the place of the Windows stickers. And in fact, I switched full time to Fedora for a number of months solely to sport the sticker, even while contributing to Ubuntu. Unfortunately, the number of case badges were super limited. And since the majority of customers/users wanted their laptops "clean" I put the larger stickers (of which there were a lot more) out for kids to take, minus 1 that I put on my car. This left built-for-Fedora computers unbranded. Maybe something to take into consideration. This is just my opinion, of course, and I am not an ambassador - though I have considered it. :-)


On Jul 5, 2011 10:39 PM, "David Ramsey" <diamond_ramsey@hotmail.com> wrote:

ambassadors mailing list

Hi Bryan,

Thanks for your support!

Hi guys,

Do we have existing wiki page for tracking the research reseults among region ambassadors? Otherwise, let's create a page to keep in record.

May we get the prices for the 3 things:
  1. Media
  2. Stickers
  3. Shirts
in following properties:
  1. miminum order
  2. turnaround time of manufacture
  3. postage to surrounding countries
Please kindly give inputs.


Regards Caius 'kaio' Chance - Fedora Project Contributor http://goo.gl/9WWWC
IRC: kaio @ freenode | Twitter/Weibo: @K410 | Blog: kaio.net