Dear ambassadors,

I am rachit gupta , Fedora ambassador of VIT University,Vellore,I have recently joined fedora ambassador program, i wish to launch a three day event dedicated to FOSS.i termed it FOSS-Kriti

Following will be the highlights of the event :
event planning is under progress.

This event will be conducted in VIT University Vellore
Tentiative dates : 10th,11th and 12th april.

We will be requiring aprox 50 fedora DVD,respected authority please guide me , to get resources early in advance.conformation about he event will be mailed soon with event schedule.

It will be very gr8 if other regional ambassador , near to Vellore, India could join us.

Any suggestions and ideas  are most welcome...

Rachit gupta
B.Tech (CSE)
VIT University,Vellore
Fedora Ambassador,Vellore region
contact: +91-9952390139
irc : rachit