Hi all,
Some days ago I registered the Fedora Project for a participation at the OpenExpo 2008 [1] at Winterthur (near Zurich / Switzerland). This event is far away in the future for the moment but I think to start early is always a good idea :-)
This things are fix: - Wednesday, September 24th and Thursday, September 25th, 2008 - Eulachhallen, Winterthur (20 min by train from Zurich, even less from Zurich's Airport), Switzerland
This things are variable for now: - Attendees aka Booth personal - Accommodation - Booth program
I would like to invite all Swiss Fedora contributors (translators, ambassadors (the Swiss and the German ones), packager, and other helping hands) to join us there. If you would like to help at this event add yourself to this page [2].
Kind regards,
[1] http://openexpo.ch/ [2] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FedoraEvents/OpenExpo/OpenExpo2008_Zurich