i'm professor in university in this moment we need to take a decision about if the university can buy the redhat academy for this reason in case no authorize the budget for academy i want to have a 2nd option like fedora educator i need to know if fedora have like academy a web based manual or something like than or courses we can give to our students

On 3/16/06, Hornain Frederic <Frederic.Hornain@gb.be> wrote:

Hi Mario,

Are you a teacher, student or external volunteer ?
And what have you planned to do ?

Now in order to answer your question, you have just to edit the corresponding wiki page and registered yourself then add the date of you next presentation, event, intervention at school.

Oh, yes in order to do that, you have to be obviously a member of Fedora community.

Now, if a school or university wish to be a partner, it should have internaly a group of teachers or students who are working or partcipating actively with the Fedora community.
Then it efforts will be sumitted for approval by the community.

It you have any questions remarks, feel free to contact me.

Best Regards

Fedora-ambassadors-list mailing list

-----Original Message-----
From: Mario Gamboa [mailto:mario.gamboa@sitelco.com.mx]
Sent: Thu 16/03/2006 04:34
To: Hornain Frederic
Subject: a Fedora Education Partner

i would like to be a educator parther for mexico what i need to apply

Fedora-ambassadors-list mailing list