Il 25/feb/2015 05:23 "Kushal Das" <> ha scritto:
> Hi,
> Just wondering if promoting other distributions (in this case Ubuntu)
> in public events should be considered as a conflict of interest? This
> case the same person holds ambassador position in Fedora and similar
> kind of position in Ubuntu too.
> Kushal
> --

Hi Kursaal,
interesting question. In my understanding being an ambassador for any other distribution is not a real conflict of interest and, I'm not aware of any kind of rule going in that direction.
Fedora stays for Freedom and I think that also means we should not rise any hurdles when people want to promote it.
It's the candidate which should not use his hats together, so when he is on an event for Fedora he should wear his Fedora hat and not promote other distributions simultaneously. Same the other way around.
Making this clear to the candidate would be enough and the rest is up to his sense of responsibility towards both distributions.

Robert Mayr