
I am new to fedora ambassadors and consequently fedora ambassadors list.I am currently working as a telecommunications engineer and an active fedora user both at hoem and at work.My personal info is as follows

First name: Oscar
Lastname: Rombo
D.O.B: 7.11.1982
Location: Nairobi, Kenya
MSN: oska_rombo AT hotmail DOT com
Yahoo:ootiende AT yahoo DOT com
Mobile: +254723270017
*e-mail: jajuok AT fedoraproject DOT org

I am currently a member of
Fedora desktop
Fedora Marketing.

I plan to spread fedora to the Student/tech/home user community in Nairobi Kenya and the whole east african region.I am active in tech mailing lists e.g skunkworks who organise yearly barcamps in Nairobi Kenya.

I also plan to attend gatherings to recruit fedora users and increase the current number in the east african region by using social networks,blogs,dailies and other opportunity available.I look forward to working with the  whole ambassadors team.

Otiende Oscar Rombo