Me fellow ambassadors,
it is time to request the budget and a PO for the EMEA F17 media.
Historical figures
|| Release || Media || PO || Used || Ticket ||
|| F14 || 6000 || USD 5000 || || #91 ||
|| F15 || 5000 || USD 5000 || 3876 EUR || #157 ||
|| F16 || 4000 || 4000 EUR || 2448 EUR || #218 ||
1. We did less and less media throughout the last years
2. I think we have reached the minimum. Jiri only has very few
media left and we still have some more events left in the F16
cycle. And we could have spent more media on some events. AT CLT
we were out of Multi Desktop DVDs and at IDLELO we did not have
enough either.
3. In the F14 cycle we had 1000 media reserved for Africa and I
think we should do this again.
4. In the F15 we had 1000 media reserved for Red Hat Czech. I think
they want to do this again.
5. We managed to dramatically cut the costs by producing in Czech
and placing one big order together with Red Hat. Shipping from
the RH office has also been extremely comfortable so I think we
should go for the Czech vendor again.
Open questions
1. How much media do we need? Go up to 5000 again?
2. Should we investigate the possibility to do the installer DVD as
Dual Layer, too? We already have the tools, we just didn't do it
because we wanted to have a backup for computers that cannot
handle DL. AFAIC the NA ambassadors did it and received no
complaints. We didn't for the Multi Desktop DVD, either.
I have asked Jiri to request the following quotes:
* 2000 Multi Desktop DL, 1000 Installer 32, 1000 Installer 64
(same as last year)
* 3000 Multi Desktop DL, 1000 Installer 32, 1000 Installer 64
* 2000 Multi Desktop DL, 2000 Installer DL
* 3000 Multi Desktop DL, 2000 Installer DL
The 4th option looks good to me. Comments or questionsanybody? Ask here
or at
Kind regards,
Hi, everyone.
I am planning a release party for F17 in Taichung City, Taiwan. This
is my first time trying to hold a release party.
Now the place and the budget has not decided yet, I will discuss with
my friends. Hoping it will be a nice event! :)
by Cheng-Chia Tseng
This mail is a reminder for today's meeting for the French speaking community.
2012-04-02 / 20:30 (hour of Paris)
IRC: freenode
Ce mail est un rappel pour la réunion de la communauté francophone, qui aura lieu ce lundi ( 2 avril) à 20h30 heure de Paris sur IRC (freenode) #fedora-meeting .
L'ordre du jour est disponible depuis cette page :éunions_hebdomadaires_de_la_French_team
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