I hereby respectfully petition the Fedora Board to dissolve the current
FAmSCo and call new elections.
FAmSCo voted in their meeting tonight to shorten the term of the lowest
vote-getters from the last election and to have those as the seats that
get re-elected next to start the new staggered terms. It also just so
happens that the ones that voted for that proposal are the ones that would
benefit by that proposal by not having to stand for reelection at the next
election. This is a conflict of interest and thus they should not be
allowed to vote on that matter. If they want to implement the staggered
terms starting with the next election, all members of FAmSCo should stand
for reelection, and have it noted that the top voted people would serve
two releases and the others would serve one. This way the voters would
know what we are voting for.
Also, our current FAmSCo seems unwilling to vote gbraad out, despite his
repeated failure to attend meetings, or participate in any discussions.
Respectfully submitted,
Nicholas E. Bebout