Respected Mr. Adnan Quaium,
On Thu, Jun 2, 2011 at 2:24 PM, M. Adnan Quaium <adnan(a)> wrote:
> Dear Mr. Mahay Alam Khan,
> I've sent a reply, but I am not sure whether my mail is reached or not.
Please, subscribe to the mailing list.
> Regards
> Adnan Quaium
> On 2 June 2011 02:54, M. Adnan Quaium <adnan(a)> wrote:
>> Dear Mr. Mahay Alam Khan,
>> Thanks for the notification.
>> Yes... it is true that I am actually editing the wiki page of Fedora
>> Bangladesh. It is also true that I did not prior discuss it in the mailing
>> list. And I am really sorry for that.
>> In my defense, I actually created a page named
>> to modify the
>> Fedora Bangladesh wiki page. And I continued to design the wiki pages based
>> on that 'backup' page. I used the term "/Bangladeshi_Team" in the url so
>> that it does not get mix up with the original "/Bangladesh" while I was
>> editing and used the term "backup" in the url to avoid the further mix ups.
>> My intension was to inform the mailing list after completing the design at
>> , so that other
>> members can actively take part. After getting this email I've found out that
>> "Bangladesh" page has been renamed as "Bangladeshi_Team" and the backup
>> contents are stored in main page and the log said it has been done by me.
>> But what I can remember that, I didn't do those changes consciously, may be
>> it has been mixed up mistakenly by me (it is the only explanation that I
>> could come with). I should have been more careful. As the logs indicate my
>> name, so I take the blames for doing those mistakes. And I am EXTREMLY sorry
>> for those inconvenient foolish mistakes.
The above explanation, proves that - you are human. We all do mistake; but
the thing is that we need to correct ourselves afterwards.
> Thanks again for bringing the facts in front of other members, otherwise I
>> wouldn't have been notified about the mistakes.
This is a norm of ; whatever happens, the mailing list(s)
must know. I've just followed the practice and believe this is good for the
> (By the way, I think "Bangladeshi_Team" sound better than "Bangladesh". "
>> " sounds more like a wiki page
>> full with the description of a country like "
>> ". On the other hand "
>>" sounds like a country
>> specific fedora user community rather than a country description.)
You have a point. Please, subscribe to the mailing lists; and raise this
issue. Let us discuss and decide.
Mahay Alam Khan
hey I just wanted to share this opportunity with you, I've been making 200-300 dollars a day and I started only a week ago. Check out this news article and it will show you how to get started, it's definitely easy enough for you :)!
Hi everyone,
I have complete downloads of Fedora 15 DVD (32 and 64 bit) but I don't know
how to participate in the free media programme. Can someone please help me
out on this.
On Thu, Jun 2, 2011 at 3:59 AM, Onyeibo Oku <twohot(a)>wrote:
> On Thu, 2011-06-02 at 00:01 +0200, Christoph Wickert wrote:
> > I am sorry for not sending out a reminder, but I totally forgot the
> > meeting because I thought we are supposed to meet again next week.
> *Argh ... that's why I missed it*
> A reminder posted 3-days ahead is helpful. I can't seem to locate my
> copy of your previous mail about updating media inventory (leftovers on
> hand). Please could you forward me another copy? I'd like to fix that
> information.
> > 21:02:04 <cwickert> tosin: ok, now it's your turn. when is twohots event?
> > 21:03:13 <tosin> he told me sometime in July, we are not yet certain
> about the date
> > 21:04:03 <cwickert> ok, July is no problem
> Not July. We're working towards the 30th day of JUNE (this month). While
> that date is tentative, I do not foresee a change except where funding
> proves problematic.
> So far, other planning aspects appear to be going fine. Regarding the NIA
> event, it was postponed by the State Chapter of the Institute in favour of
> deliberations for resolving an imminent loss in one of their properties (of
> course, that caused a dilemma because I had to workout alternative means to
> utilize the reserved media). I got an apology from the Chairman and was
> told to reserve the talk/presentation for the next meeting. I'll be
> updating the content of my presentation to reflect recent states in F15
> (which is rather convenient). So, there is my little report there.
> > 21:13:52 <cwickert> ok tosin, can you please get in touch with twohot and
> ask if the ticket he filed is sufficient or if you need more media then?
> I can't recollect filing a ticket recently. I haven't requested for F15
> media yet. Its a good thing Tosin was there, We'll discuss and come up
> with a reasonable figure ASAP
> > 21:32:33 <cwickert> DONE - t2hot to get in touch with the design team
> about release events posters
> > 21:33:01 <cwickert> #info release party poster template is available at
> Ah! That is WIP and there has been developments on the Release Poster.
> This version is lacking a lot of things. We have about two more people
> working on improvements. I'll be sure to post a link to final product (that
> should be before the end of today)
> regards
> Onyeibo
> --
> ambassadors mailing list
> ambassadors(a)
Life is COMPLEX. It has the REAL part and the IMAGINARY part.
Hello Everyone,
Greetings. :)
A friendly reminder that the next regular biweekly APAC meeting will be on this Saturday, June 04th, 2011 at 04:00 UTC. :)
Next meeting will be on Saturday, June 04th, 2011 at 04:00 UTC. :)
Day : Saturday, June 04th, 2011
Time : 04:00 UTC
See the following URL to check and verify your own timing based on your location -…
For any proposed changes to the draft agenda, then please update -
On Freenode IRC Channel : #fedora-meeting
Help on IRC -
I hope that you may be able to attend and join us. :)
Sending positive Fedora 14 and Fedora 15 energy your computer now. :v)
Please have a great day and/or evening! :~)
Thank You
- David -
David Ramsey
One stone; two birds.
To kill 2 birds with 1 stone.
Fedora Project's Japan & Maryland Ambassador dramsey(a)
With sixteen (16) x86_64 computing cores, 80 GB of RAM and eight SATA Seagate 7200.12 - 500 GB harddisks.
The system definitions are at the following URL:
I am sorry for not sending out a reminder, but I totally forgot the
meeting because I thought we are supposed to meet again next week. Time
flies by...
Thanks to Jiri for pinging me. We had a spontaneous meeting and it was
quite productive. We discussed a lot of things, one of them finances,
for nearly 1.5 hours
Minutes (text):…
Meet you again on
Wednesday, June 15th (two weeks from now)
at 20:00 UTC
in #fedora-meeting!
#fedora-meeting: EMEA ambassadors meeting 2011-06-01
Meeting started by cwickert at 20:13:03 UTC (full logs).
Meeting summary
role call (cwickert, 20:13:27)
agenda (cwickert, 20:15:13)
(cwickert, 20:16:22)
Announcements (cwickert, 20:16:34) (sesivany, 20:19:15)
finances (cwickert, 20:23:18)
ACTION: cwickert and kital to discuss media shipment (cwickert,
Ambassadors Schedule (cwickert, 20:49:59) (cwickert, 20:50:19) (rbergeron, 20:52:04)
F16 Ambassadors schedule at (cwickert, 20:52:24)
Events (cwickert, 20:52:58)
if you have any events planned, please add them to the wiki at (cwickert, 20:53:44)
for release events, look at (cwickert, 20:54:10) (shaiton,
F15 Media production (cwickert, 21:04:40)
: F15 media shipping will begin 13th of June (cwickert,
we still have not enough people for primary shipment. please
contact cwickert if you can help (cwickert, 21:07:38)
ACTION: shaiton_ to get in touch with the Tunisian Ambassadors
for media shipment (cwickert, 21:10:48)
gomix was appointed to become a member of the Fedora Advisory
Board (cwickert, 21:28:25)
Action items from previous meetings (cwickert, 21:32:03)… (cwickert, 21:32:23)
release party poster template is available at
(cwickert, 21:33:01)
ACTION: cwickert to bring the idea of common event pages up on
the wiki (cwickert, 21:35:41)
ACTION: cwickert to write a mail about FrOSCon to the
ambassadors list (cwickert, 21:35:49)
Open Floor (cwickert, 21:36:04)
Meeting ended at 21:39:33 UTC (full logs).
Action items
cwickert and kital to discuss media shipment
shaiton_ to get in touch with the Tunisian Ambassadors for media
cwickert to bring the idea of common event pages up on the wiki
cwickert to write a mail about FrOSCon to the ambassadors list
Action items, by person
cwickert and kital to discuss media shipment
cwickert to bring the idea of common event pages up on the wiki
cwickert to write a mail about FrOSCon to the ambassadors list
cwickert and kital to discuss media shipment
shaiton_ to get in touch with the Tunisian Ambassadors for media
shaiton_ to get in touch with the Tunisian Ambassadors for media
People present (lines said)
cwickert (188)
kital (53)
sesivany (22)
shaiton (20)
giallu (13)
gomix (11)
zodbot (10)
tosin (10)
rbergeron (10)
shaiton_ (8)
SoftersSystemsIn (8)
jsmith (8)
dmaphy (2)
tatica (2)
jreznik_n900 (1)
Generated by MeetBot 0.1.4.
Hello Everyone,
FYI, World IPv6 Test Day on 2011-06-08 IPv6 -
This is a great opportunity to try out IPv6 and learn something new, too. :)
Sending positive Fedora 14 and 15 energy to your computers now. :v)
Please have a great day and/or evening! :~)
Thank You
- David -
David Ramsey
One stone; two birds.
To kill 2 birds with 1 stone.
Fedora Project's Japan & Maryland Ambassador dramsey(a)
With sixteen (16) x86_64 computing cores, 80 GB of RAM and eight SATA
Seagate 7200.12 - 500 GB harddisks.
The system definitions are at the following URL:
hi, I just wanted to share this opportunity with you, I've been making 200-300 dollars a day and I started only a week ago. Check out this news article and it will show you how to get started, it's definitely easy enough for you :)!
Hello Guys,
I'm the youngest ambassador to the Fedora Project. I'm from a city called João
Pessoa, Northeast Brazil. I hope to contribute to the project in whatever
way possible.
Leandro Almeida