Hi !
Many of you may be aware of Bijra High School Project
[http://www.dgplug.org/intro/bijra] [http://bijra.dgplug.org] of
dgplug [http://www.dgplug.org] .
On 15th November 2007 we had a grand inauguration of the project. The
initial idea was to open the world of computing to poor students .
This has been done using completely free and opensource softwares.
WBUT (West Bengal University of Technology ) and L2C2 Technology lend
us a helping by providing few computers to the school.
An LTSP server running fedora 7 along with few old PIII machines has
been deployed. Not only that as most students lack proper English
knowledge so the whole implementation has been done using bengali
(native language ) BN_IN locale .
The area also lack a proper internet connection so kiwix (offline
wikipedia), wordnet (a dictionary dump) , project gutenburg dvd dump (
collection of english classics) are among the few softwares
implemented to provide a complete education setup . So this help them
not only in learning computers but also in computer aided learning.
Subhodip Biswas
Fedora ambassador
West Bengal, India
GPG key : FAEA34AB
Server : pgp.mit.eduhttp://subhodipbiswas.wordpress.com
Do you think we need to say something about the Fedora Project in
general? I mean its goals, philosophy etc. If so, I could give a speech
on this topic. Say your opinion about it.
CALL for participation in the Preperation Team for LINUXTAG 2008
Dear *
if you're willing to help on Linuxtag in the preperation Team, please
send me your note as soon as possible.
The first meeting will be held in december 2007 somewhere central
(around me +/- 200 km).
Your help is much apreciated!
WER hilft mit den LINUXTAG 2008 vorzubereiten?
Hallo *
wer hat Interesse daran, bei den Vorbereitungen des Linuxtag 2008
mitzuhelfen? Bitte melde Dich umgehend bei mir!
Das erste Treffen wird bereits im Dezember 2007 irgendwo zentral (rund
um meinen Wohnort +/- 200 km) stattfinden.
DEINE Hilfe wird benötigt!
Gerold Kassube
Fedora Ambassador
Deutschland / Germany
Schweiz / Switzerland
Email: GeroldKa(a)fedoraproject.org
1024D/F33128B9 4ABC A903 F1F4 D9CC C422 AACA EDF1 DF42 F331 28B9
Hello All,
I have joined as FA recently form Bangalore India.
FOSS.IN will start on 4th Dec 2007 to 8th Dec 2007.
As a newbie I too can contribute in co-ordinating events.
Bhanu Patial
Explore your hobbies and interests. Go to http://in.promos.yahoo.com/groups
Hash: SHA1
I am a new Fedora Ambassador from the Philippines and I just wanted to say
hello to everyone. :)
My first act as FA was to showcase Fedora at the Asia-Pacific Economic
Cooperation Digital Opportunity Center (http://apecdoc.org/) during their
Train the Trainors program a few days ago. I hope to contribute more to
the Fedora Ambassadors Project soon.
- --
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
Hash: SHA1
Hi all,
We need for all three areas a leader and a co-leader or a replacement
for the new monthly Ambassadors Meeting. The leader hasn't to do all
stuff alone, of course. She/He is the person in charge about the
meeting but she/he can delegate the issues to ambassadors how are able
to help in the same region.
Your mission will be:
First part
- - Fix the time for the meeting in your region. Keep the wishes of your
ambassadors in mind, please.
- - Fix the day (check [1] for free time slots)
- - Invite all persons in your area to participate
and everything else in your head...
Second part
- - Collect the topic for the meeting
- - Send a reminder for the meeting
- - Update the wiki page
- - Chair during the meetings
- - Create a summary and the IRC log
and everything which I forgot right now
All volunteers are welcome. Take the opportunity to bring your area
forward and become one of the meeting leaders.
I hope that we will have leaders for all three parts of the world within
two weeks.
[1] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Meetings
Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Fedora - http://enigmail.mozdev.org
Hello Fellows,
in the past FabianAffolter did so much hard work, that normaly has to be done
by FAmSCo so my wish is to see Fabian for the election of FAmSCo. I know
FAmSCo wishes selfnomitation - so Fabian - you know what to do ;-) - i hope
this will bring new drive and attraction to FAmSCo.
Jörg Simon
Key Fingerprint:
3691 0989 2DCA 58A2 8D1F 2CAC C823 558E 5B5B 5688