On 06/18/2012 06:17 PM, Tzu-Mainn Chen wrote:
This page links to the flot library from the converge-ui, and uses it to generate graphs based on the audit history (which is now linked from the main Monitor page).  Graphs can be adjusted for date range, and also "group by" options (group by pool, provider, user, etc).



Nits: - please add en.breadcrumbs.logs translation (getting error in breadcrumbs)
        - please add logs to config/navigation.rb to enable Monitor tab highlight when on the Logs page: ( line21: first_level.item :monitor, t('navigation.first_level.monitor'), pools_path, :class => 'monitor', :link => { :id => 'monitor' }, :highlights_on => /\/deployments|\/pools |\/instances|\/logs|\/\z/)

Also the third patch contains trailing whitespaces and some really long lines.

Btw. nice graphs!
