Hello all,

Here is the proposal for a Dashboard feature planned for this iteration.

The general idea is to have a two separate dashboards for each section (Monitor, Administer), as the Overview (Pools#index pretty view) already works as Dashboard for Monitor section.

It already contains:
* ribbon with basic statistics of Pools, Deployments, Instances, Alerts, Updates and global Quota overview
* list of latest alerts
* Overview on Pools their status and status of its Deployments and Instances with direct access to manage them.
* possibility to get to detailed list view with a single click

Pools Overview section also has links to basic operation as launching or Managing deployments from within its Pool.

Having a separate Dashboard would mean duplicating of this information unless Pools Overview section would have been redesigned.

Administer section does not have an Overview section so the idea is to create similar Overview/Dashboard section as the Monitor section has which resembles it graphically by using slightly changed UI elements used in Monitor section as we dont have any wireframes or design guidelines for it.

The main part of proposed Administer section Overview utilizes the Admin subsections navigation as a table of boxes for each subsection (similar to Instances display in Deployment detail pretty view) which contains:

* subsection icon
* title - linking to given subsection
* information about elements count or other relevant info (current settings summary)
* link to most used function for given subsection (create new user, add suggested deployable, ...)

Subsections: Users, Roles, Providers, Provider Accounts, Hardware Profiles, Realms, Pool Families, Suggested Deployables, Settings

Based on the amount of data we want to display the box can have different size (e.g. Settings subsection box section with current settings summary can use twice as big box than other)

Navigating back from a subsection to Overview can be done via Breadcrumb leading to it or by clicking the Administer tab. Current controll panel select should be put in each subsection to provide navigation among subsections without returning to Overview.

Other relevant info like last 5 items from user related Action History (similar to Alerts section in Pools Overview) can be included when its implemented.

Administer section Overview simplyfies the navigation for administrator and speeds up the access to most of the tasks he want to perform in Administer section. It should be relatively easy to implement as the current UI elements could be used and it doesnt require changes to application structure or logic.

Having two separate Dashboards or Overviews simplifies the problem with having to deal with displaying different amount of information based on User permissions.

Creating Administer section Overview largely depends on Admin section UX which is about to be discussed.

Features and Tasks:

As an admin I want to have an Overview in Administer section
* prepare UI design and elements for Subsections boxes
* implement Subsection box navigation with subsection info and links
* remove controll panel select

As an admin I want to navigate around Administer section
* Implement Breadcrumbs to navigate from Admin subsection to Overview
* Add Controll panel select to each subsection to enable navigation among subsections without returning to Overview

As an admin I want to see last 5 events in Action history (depends on Action history implementation)
* Implement Action history overview based on Pools pretty view Alerts section with last 5 events and link to Action history page, placed under Subsections box navigation.
