
The aeolus-image push command to Amazon EC2 is failed due to an exception into the python code of image-factory :(

The status is now "FAILED" while the previous tests done by Michel Gauthier reports a status "New". So it seems we have done a small step further on.

[root]# aeolus-image push -r ec2-us-east-1 --id 864dad40-cf9b-44c2-ae84-962d64bb8996 
Provider Image: c76732dd-7a64-4074-87b0-8983cf3dae9a
Image: 864dad40-cf9b-44c2-ae84-962d64bb8996
Build: ad4b8caa-f3d4-4f42-8fd4-968b67e3c4e5
Status: FAILED
Percent Complete: 0

In the /var/log/imagefactory.log file, we see the following problem:

2011-08-17 15:38:13,752 DEBUG imagefactory.qmfagent.ImageFactoryAgent.ImageFactoryAgent pid(2290)
Method called: name = push_image
args = {'credentials': '*** REDACTED ***', 'image': '864dad40-cf9b-44c2-ae84-962d64bb8996', 'build': '', 'providers': ['ec2-us-east-1']}
handle = <cqmf2.AgentEvent; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'qmf::AgentEvent *' at 0x2c89030> >
addr = redhat.com:imagefactory:3aa62164-8dc2-46a0-b896-213bc16649da:image_factory
subtypes = {}
userId = anonymous
2011-08-17 15:38:13,753 DEBUG imagefactory.ImageWarehouse.ImageWarehouse pid(2290)
Created Image Warehouse instance http://localhost:9090 - buckets(target_images, templates, icicles, provider_images)
Getting metadata (['latest_unpushed']) from http://localhost:9090/images/864dad40-cf9b-44c2-ae84-962d64bb8996
Querying (http://localhost:9090/target_images/_query)
with expression ($build == "ad4b8caa-f3d4-4f42-8fd4-968b67e3c4e5" && $target == "ec2")
Getting metadata (['template']) from http://localhost:9090/target_images/7756b621-4543-42f7-bcf1-e9326f5b5f20
Created Image Warehouse instance http://localhost:9090 - buckets(target_images, templates, icicles, provider_images)
Created Image Warehouse instance http://localhost:9090 - buckets(target_images, templates, icicles, provider_images)
2011-08-17 15:38:13,771 DEBUG oz.Guest.FedoraRemoteGuest pid(2290)
Name: Fedora 14 x86_64 with updates-c76732dd-7a64-4074-87b0-8983cf3dae9a,
 UUID: a9344787-30a9-492f-8dbc-819b55a47e08
MAC: 52:54:00:f3:60:d6, distro: Fedora
update: 14, arch: x86_64, diskimage: /var/tmp/Fedora 14 x86_64
with updates-c76732dd-7a64-4074-87b0-8983cf3dae9a.dsk
nicmodel: virtio, clockoffset: utc
mousetype: ps2, disk_bus: virtio, disk_dev: vda
icicletmp: /var/lib/oz/icicletmp/Fedora 14 x86_64
  with updates-c76732dd-7a64-4074-87b0-8983cf3dae9a, listen_port: 29311
Original ISO path: /var/lib/oz/isos/Fedora14x86_64-url.iso
Modified ISO cache: /var/lib/oz/isos/Fedora14x86_64-url-oz.iso
Output ISO path: /var/tmp/Fedora 14 x86_64
with updates-c76732dd-7a64-4074-87b0-8983cf3dae9a-url-oz.iso
ISO content path: /var/lib/oz/isocontent/Fedora 14 x86_64
 with updates-c76732dd-7a64-4074-87b0-8983cf3dae9a-url
2011-08-17 15:38:13,776 DEBUG imagefactory.builders.BaseBuilder.FedoraBuilder pid(2290)
Exception caught in ImageFactory
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/imagefactory/builders/FedoraBuilder.py", line 498, in push_image
File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/urllib2.py", line 1173, in http_open
return self.do_open(httplib.HTTPConnection, req)
File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/urllib2.py", line 1148, in do_open
raise URLError(err)
URLError: <urlopen error [Errno -2] Name or service not known>
2011-08-17 15:38:13,807 DEBUG imagefactory.BuildJob.BuildAdaptor pid(2290)
Raising event with agent handler (<ImageFactoryAgent(Thread-1, initial)>),
changed status from NEW to FAILED

We are using Aeolus behind a proxy and it's impossible to bypass it. This proxy has been declared (http_proxy and https_proxy environment variables) in the following daemons: deltacloud-core, deltacloud-ec2-us-east-1, deltacloud-ec2-us-west-1, imagefactory and iwhd. But there is no effect and we are always stopped in the image-factory python package.

A bugzilla #731420 on image-factory has been opened on this blocking problem.

P. Berthault.