On 5.9.2012 20:08, Matt Wagner wrote:
On Wed, Sep 05, 2012 at 05:48:32PM +0200, Jaromír Coufal wrote:
Hello guys,

I have prepared new buttons. You can find them here:

Please let me know, if you think that we need some additional types
for Conductor or Katello. Looking forward to your feedback.
Overall, I like these! They look good aesthetically, and I like the
subtle color shift on hover.

The button grouping looks weird to me with multi-colored buttons. This
example might be an extreme case, though. It just looks overly colorful
and attention-getting. (And a bit like a flag.)
This is just example, that colors could be used as well in group combination. I will correct it to grey ones, so it won't distract from its main purpose.

We currently have some green buttons, especially around launch. Will
those stay as-is, or are they going to be replaced with blue? (I have no
opinion on the matter; just thinking out loud.)
Yeah I know. I am not sure about green ones (especially Launch functionality; as for New Image, I am pretty sure that the green button will change).
I was thinking about replacing them by primary blue button in future, but as we decide to keep it green, it's very easy way how to add new color.

One nit-picky opinion thing: at the bottom of the page, you should the
Save button the left, and "Cancel" on the right. For whatever reason,
this just feels backwards from what I'm used to: I expect the primary
submit action to be on the right, with cancel being off to the left.
This may very well be baseless and just my personal opinion (or the
tyranny of right-handed people?), but I thought I'd mention it in case
other people also thought it felt "backwards."
Well this one is tricky. There is not standard order across applications. But order from left to right have its reasons:
  1) Reading from left to right.
  2) Keeping vertical flow of the form. Look at forms http://convergeui-jcoufal.rhcloud.com/form, where you start filling each input is from left to right at the very same x position. This means, that you have fixed x and following just y axis. That's why Save button is on the left, because if it was on the right, you would brake this rule and have vertical inconsistency. Just imagine when you follow the form, you would expect that next step for you is next line at the same horizontal position position and if Save was on the right, this means that in the end you would not find it on expected place.

Reason for confirmation button on the right is, when you follow steps and you need to go step forward (again from left to right). Then it has logical order left = back, right = next. Usually these confirmation buttons are aligned right, what we can't do in the case of forms.

-- Matt
-- Jarda
Jaromír Coufal

Interaction Designer
Red Hat Czech s.r.o.

Mobile: +420 724 595 508
E-mail: jcoufal@redhat.com
IRC: jcoufal at #cloudforms-ui, #aeolus, #brno