Looks great! ACK with one note:

After this patch was sent, the Instance History patch was pushed and it relies on the History tab in the instance#show page. But this patch removes the tabs there.

Since we don't have the UI for instance details mocked up just yet, could you please list the history tracking in the instance#show page?

I think that would mean to:
* add render :partial => 'history' to instance/show.haml
* fixing the history cucumber test in instance.features not to follow the "history" link

Feel free to push the patch once that works.


On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 5:04 PM, Jan Provazník <jprovazn@redhat.com> wrote:
This patch removes all legacy* related stuff. What needs to be done:

- remove warehouse sync script - should be removed together with removing it from aeolus-configure
- remove starting of dc_prepare_repos in configure script
- probably delayed-job too
- lib/tasks/demo_data.rake - this looks obsolete, but I left it unchanged

But above can be separate patch. Both rspec and cucumber tests pass except 'expected the following element's content to include "mockdeployment"' which was already broken. E2e test passed for mock image.

Sending as an attachment because of long lines.


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