On 13.8.2012 23:32, Matt Wagner wrote:
On Mon, Aug 13, 2012 at 05:26:55PM -0400, Matt Wagner wrote:
Hi folks,

I've been dwelling on user notifications a bit more. #3623 implies this
functionality, and there are some comments visible here:

We have some licensing difference between our projects (grr!), but it
might make sense to see about borrowing the Katello implementation
rather than reinventing this from the ground up. They already support
persistent notifications which can be sent to multiple users, though
we'd have to add email notifications and perhaps notification
preferences. I added a couple of screenshots as well.

Let me know what you think -- does this seem like a good approach for us
to follow?
My email would make _way_ more sense if I included the wiki page I
intended to link to:

That has most of the information you actually need, and my previous
email was just meant to invite you to look at it. D'oh!

-- Matt
Hello Matt,

did you look over the mock-up I've send you? It's quite similar system as Katello's when I look at their screenshots. The only difference is my suggestion to distinguish between three types of notification - informative, warnings (alerts), approvals. It's for user's better orientation to quickly realize what happened (not just number in the header, but also part of its semantics).

One more difference is maybe between dismissing. From Katello's screenshot it looks that you dismiss the notification by deleting it. I would suggest to dismiss item by seeing it and still keep it in the system on notification page.

I will just attach the notification mock-up to this conversation thread as well (for others, if they are interested).

Does it make sense for you?

-- Jarda
Jaromír Coufal

Interaction Designer
Red Hat Czech s.r.o.

Mobile: +420 724 595 508
E-mail: jcoufal@redhat.com
IRC: jcoufal at #cloudforms-ui, #aeolus, #brno