Here are some more:

- As an developer / sysadmin / end-user how would I use Aeolus?

- What is Aeolus implemented in / what technology is it based off of

- How does Aeolus fit into my overall network and systems architecture

- How is Aeolus supported?

- What cloud providers can I interface with with Aeolus? How easy is it to add more?

Can I haz cheeseburger? (ok maybe not this one ;-) )


On 03/22/2012 05:37 AM, Angus Thomas wrote:
What are the problems that Aeolus is setting out to solve?

Can you describe a likely scenario where Aeolus is the right tool to solve a user's problems?

How open is the development of Aeolus?

What kind of opportunities to contribute does the project provide?

What are the risks for a user of getting locked into the features provided by a particular cloud provider?

Can you explain a bit about the differences between private and public cloud providers?

What is the relationship between Aeolus and Openstack?

What features are on the Aeolus roadmap?

On 03/21/2012 03:22 PM, Tomas Sedovic wrote:
Hi all,

Francesco Vollero and I will be interviewed on the FOSS Weekly podcast[1] next Wednesday (28th March).

For those of you unfamiliar with the show, it's a podcast where they talk about free and open source projects and interview people involved with these projects.

We were asked to come up with a handful of questions that the guests could ask us. Of course, they will ask their own questions as well but this is an opportunity for us to make sure that the important things get covered.

If you think of any such question, please post it in this thread. I have a couple myself and I'll send them all tomorrow (Thursday 22nd March).

