In Fedora 30, all the old java console packages have been marked as deprecated:
389-console 389-ds-console 389-admin-console 389-admin 389-adminutil 389-dsgw
In Fedora 31 these packages will be removed.
Our new Cockpit [1] plugin (cockpit-389-ds) will be the UI replacement, but important to note is that the new UI will NOT have an LDAP browser for looking at and updating "user" entries. The new UI is strictly designed for server configuration/management. Now there are other free LDAP browsers out there that can be used like Apache Directory Studio [2] for those that still need a UI for managing users and groups. We hope to add a basic LDAP browser in the future, but this will not be ready for Fedora 31.
Feel free to voice any comments, concerns, or questions.
389 Directory Server Development Team
for looking at and updating "user" entries. The new UI is strictly designed for server configuration/management.
I did some tests with latest cockpit packages on Fedora and wasn't able to even create the root object. who is responsible to perform that basic task? cockpit, ldap browser, some terminal script?
thanks for your time,
abosch -- Institut Mallorqu� d'Afers Socials. Aquest missatge, i si escau, qualsevol fitxer annex, es dirigeix exclusivament a la persona que n'�s destinat�ria i pot contenir informaci� confidencial. En cap cas no heu de copiar aquest missatge ni lliurar-lo a terceres persones sense perm�s expr�s de l'IMAS. Si no sou la persona destinat�ria que s'hi indica (o la responsable de lliurar-l'hi) us demanam que ho notifiqueu immediatament a l'adre�a electr�nica de la persona remitent. -- Abans d'imprimir aquest missatge, pensau si �s realment necessari.