I have 2 server in multi master replication one of the DS  server the log_archive dir is growing crazy, I need to be able to keep only the last 30 days log files, here is  my cfg, what needs to be changed to accommodate the change?

nsslapd-accesslog-logging-enabled: on

nsslapd-accesslog-maxlogsperdir: 10

nsslapd-accesslog-mode: 600

nsslapd-accesslog-maxlogsize: 100

nsslapd-accesslog-logrotationtime: 1

nsslapd-accesslog-logrotationtimeunit: day

nsslapd-accesslog-logrotationsync-enabled: off

nsslapd-accesslog-logrotationsynchour: 0

nsslapd-accesslog-logrotationsyncmin: 0

nsslapd-accesslog: /var/log/….. /access