Hi all,

I am trying to migrate all users from openldap to FDS. The schema and object class in openldap is pretty messed up and needs lot of massaging. I tried exporting the schema and running the conversion script but it usually fails and the db import is not correct.

Requirement: Only users with uid, gid and homedir needed. Nothing more or less

So I did this, for Users, uid, gid, homedir import:

#getent passwd
Sample output:

Now, run  ./migrate_passwd.pl on the aboveoutput to convert to ldif file. The result was like below.
Sample output ldif:
dn: uid=oracle,ou=People,dc=fedorads,dc=net uid: oracle cn: oracle objectClass: account objectClass: posixAccount objectClass: top userPassword: {crypt}x loginShell: /bin/bash uidNumber: 1001 gidNumber: 1001 homeDirectory: /home/oracle gecos: oracle

For Password import

ldapsearch –D BindDN –W –x uid=* userPassword uidNumber gidNumber
dn: uid=oracle,ou=People,dc=padl,dc=net uidNumber: 1001 gidNumber: 1001 userPassword:: e01ENX1nbDdQNm5iU3FQOGZJOTdVWXM2QXp3PT8H9

Question 1: Please comment on above. Tell me if I could have simplified the approach. Is there a better way to import the password from OpenLDAP? The conversion schema is not working for me and it was set default.

Question 2: Now I have two database with user and password separate. Can I import them separately and have it working?

Question 3: When I imported, I got only 500users in db and rest didn’t make it. I am trying to remember which file and what limit needs to be edited for this issue.