
I'm new to using Fedora Directory Server, so please pardon me if this is a newbie question.
The directory server was setup by someone else, and has been running for many months, so unfortunately, I don't have much background information on how it was setup.  I searched thru various on-line helps and it appears to be setup properly as it is working for various userids.

However, there are a few userids defined, that no matter what I set the passwd to, if one attempts to login as one of those users: "Access denied".

I can create a new user, set a passwd, log in no problem (it'll create the home directory and everything). 
I've even tried deleting the userid that doesn't work, and then re-creating, same issue. Doesn't like the passwd.
(all userids are created the same, just different home paths and UID numbers.

Any thoughts?