On 9/10/19, 04:44, "Ludwig Krispenz" lkrispen@redhat.com wrote:
On 09/10/2019 02:37 AM, William Brown wrote: > >> On 10 Sep 2019, at 09:58, Morgan, Iain (ARC-TN)[InuTeq, LLC] iain.morgan@nasa.gov wrote: >> >> >> >> On 9/8/19, 15:40, "William Brown" wbrown@suse.de wrote: >> >> >> >>> On 7 Sep 2019, at 08:33, Morgan, Iain (ARC-TN)[InuTeq, LLC] iain.morgan@nasa.gov wrote: >>> >>> Hello Marc, >>> >>> Yes, it is 389-ds-base1.3.9.1-10.el7, but we are not using IPA and there are no memberOf plugin errors. The actual modrdn operations have error=0. >> If we may, can we ask what the modrdn operations were, and to ask a little about your tree layout so we could try to understand more about this? >> >> >> Sure, there's nothing unusual regarding the tree layout. There's a single backend with ou=People,.... and ou=Groups,.... One thing that may be relevant is that this is a stand-alone server -- replication has not been configured. > Have you configured the replica id, replication agreement or changelog though? I want to follow up with our replication expert about why URP is getting involved here, when you say replication isn't configured. if this is really a standalone consumer without replication configured, this is probably a consequence of splitting the multimaster(mmr) and the other plugin calls and the mmr plugin could be called and do nothing, just try :-( so the messages is harmless although annoying and we should fix it.
Yes, this is truly a stand-alone server. It's currently being used for testing of locally written administrative scripts and no replication ID, replication agreements, or changelog modifications have been configured. The changes thus far have largely been limited to the password policy and TLS configuration.
Your hypothesis seems reasonable. The next step in our testing is to create another instance and test replication. Hopefully, these errors will disappear once we get to that stage in our testing.