If you are looking for the client side config, try this:


It requires a recompile of ssh though.


On 2013-05-08, at 2:53 PM, Steve Ovens <steve_ovens@linux.com> wrote:


I have been quite happily using 389 for around a year, and while I am not at all advanced I have been able to add Samba and sudoers to 389. I am now attempting to add openssh keys to the user entries I am using the openssh-lpk_openldap.schema:

# LDAP Public Key Patch schema for use with openssh-ldappubkey
# Author: Eric AUGE <eau@phear.org>
# Based on the proposal of : Mark Ruijter

# octetString SYNTAX
attributetype ( NAME 'sshPublicKey'
    DESC 'MANDATORY: OpenSSH Public key'
    EQUALITY octetStringMatch
    SYNTAX )

# printableString SYNTAX yes|no
objectclass ( NAME 'ldapPublicKey' SUP top AUXILIARY
    DESC 'MANDATORY: OpenSSH LPK objectclass'
    MAY ( sshPublicKey $ uid )

I have run this through the ol-schema-migrate.pl and placed the output in /etc/dirsrv/slapd-ds/schema/62sshkeys.ldif.

I have restarted the server and there were no errors produced so I am assuming that it took the ldif fine.

How do I go about using the new schema. I have googled around quite a bit, but I must be missing something. I would appreciate any pointers and I fully intend on publishing a how-to on this (as I do for most things over at overclockers.com)

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!


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