On 02/23/2011 04:48 PM, Diego Woitasen wrote:
 I need to create 150 sub suffixes with their databases using the command line (I need subtree replication to 150 branches). I read the RHDS documentation and created the following entries:

ldapadd -x -D uid=scriptuser,ou=People,dc=domain,dc=ar -w foo << EOF
dn: cn=ou=$1\,dc=domain\,dc=ar,cn=mapping tree,cn=config
objectclass: top
objectclass: extensibleObject
objectclass: nsMappingTree
nsslapd-state: backend
nsslapd-backend: $1
nsslapd-parent-suffix: dc=domain,dc=ar
cn: ou=$1\,dc=domain\,dc=ar

dn: cn=$1,cn=ldbm database,cn=plugins,cn=config
objectclass: extensibleObject
objectclass: nsBackendInstance
nsslapd-suffix: ou=$1,dc=domain,dc=ar

dn: ou=$1,dc=domain,dc=ar
objectClass: organizationalUnit
objectClass: top
ou: $1
description: $1

The bind user has permission to add these entries to cn=config. Their are created without error. The problem is the database. It looks like something is missing in the filesystem:

#ls -l /var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-mreldc03/db/test
total 20
-rw------- 1 ldap ldap    46 Feb 23 20:41 DBVERSION
-rw------- 1 ldap ldap 16384 Feb 23 20:41 id2entry.db4

If I add an object to the suffix, nothing changes in the DB directory.

Using the Java Console, works perfectly. There are a lot of files in the DB directory and that files are updates if a change something in the subtree.

May be I'm missing a step, but I reviewed the documention and my procedure looks fine.
Looks like you solved your problem - it was a documentation error.


Diego Woitasen
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