I am very new to the 389-ds.   I have spent the last few days attempting to get samba up an running with 389-ds with ldap in ssl.  or fefora-ds using
ldap not a whole lot of luck there.  In your case try adding -ZZ to your command i.e.

"ldapsearch -x  -ZZ -b o=netscaperoot -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w <password> "objectclass=nsAdminConfig"

You might get more descriptive response.  

Im attaching to shell scripts you my or may not find useful.  If you cannot get into your with the 389-console you may be able use
the scripts to talk to you server.  

These shells were referenced  from a link I found http://www.linuxmail.info/389-directory-server-setup-howto-centos-5/


On 1/4/2011 11:55 AM, harry.devine@faa.gov wrote:

I've been away from my 389-ds admin for a few months (I'm just starting to get familiar with it), and I can't login using the user ID "cn=Directory Manager".  A few months ago I could using the GUI 389-console application.  But today I can't.  It keeps saying:

"Can't login because of an incorrect User ID, Incorrect password, or Directory problem."

The error log shows: "[error] [client] user cn=Directory Manager not found: /admin-serv/authenticate"

I am able to get data back when I enter: "ldapsearch -x -b o=netscaperoot -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w <password> "objectclass=nsAdminConfig"" from the command line, so I know that the password is correct.

Any thoughts on what to do to fix this?


Harry Devine
Common ARTS Software Development
-- 389 users mailing list 389-users@lists.fedoraproject.org https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/389-users