I am able to fix the issue by commenting out:

#ssl start_tls

and everything worked fine therein.
Thanks for the help anyway.

On Thu, Jan 14, 2010 at 2:24 PM, jean-Noël Chardron <Jean-Noel.Chardron@dr15.cnrs.fr> wrote:
Ajeet S Raina wrote:
> have been stucked with the following points:
> 1. Authenticating Linux Client with ldaps://
> 2. Auto create home directory ( I will look into what you sent)

On Redhat or Centos, you can find two gui tools to configure the
authentification of client
One is tty gui is authconfig-tui with minimal configuration
the other is authconfig-gtk with extended options like auto create homedir.

You can do the same thing in command line with authconfig [--options]
In option you can precise --enablemkhomedir etc...
see authconfig --help or man authconfig

the advantage to have a command line is that once you have a good
configuration you will be able to write a script to extend it to the
others workstations.

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