I just installed a new ssl certificate using pk12util.  I restarted my dirsrv, and picked the new cert in the dropdown menu under the encryption tab.  I restarted dirsrv to make it take affect.  When I did this, I found that the root certificate was not in redhats/openssls ca-bundle.  I tried importing the intermediate certificate, and I think I just made the problem worse.

right now im getting the following.
 SSL alert: CERT_VerifyCertificateNow: verify certificate failed for cert rhds.example.com - Comodo CA Limited of family cn=RSA,cn=encryption,cn=config (Netscape Portable Runtime error -8179 - Peer's Certificate issuer is not recognized.)
[08/Jul/2009:14:18:04 -0400] - SSL failure: None of the cipher are valid

Now my directory is down completely.  How can I get it to start up without SSL so that I can fix the problem?