NopeHi forgive the newbie question, but I've searched the 389-users archive and didn't see an answer.....
If I manage ldap entries and dirsrv server options via command line only, do I even need an admin server component?
NopeI've been using Apache Directory Studio for my non-command line needs on a single 389 instance, seems to work out OK so far. The admin server (o=netscape) is installed and running, but I haven't been using the GUI. I'm about to spin up two new servers and do multi-master replication and certificates/TLS.
On a production server where all content changes are done via scripts (no GUI needed) do I even need to spin up an admin server?
Nope :-)We won't be using Admin Express, DS Gateway, Org Chart, etc. We'll never be managing more than 3-4 production ldap servers.
Am I missing something critical by installing just the actual 389 servers and NOT the admin instance?
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